The Strategic Process

Perfect for CEOs, CMOs and CTOs who are about to embark on a mobile app development. This diagram outlines a robust strategic process for planning your app.
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What you'll find inside

There are a lot of strategic frameworks out there, but this one is our favourite as it incorporates Design Thinking and creativity - just what you need for an app.

  • Understand your overarching business strategy
  • Find the real problems you need to solve
  • Generate new ideas and go beyond the obvious
  • Involve the right people, collaborate!
  • Test and validate ideas before investing heavily in them

Learn a creative process for building a mobile strategy

Use this to learn the key steps in building a mobile strategy. You might have a few different starting points - either figuring out what app(s) to build, or assessing an app idea someone has bought to the table.

Deciding what app to build

It's often tough figuring out how to apply mobile tech to help your business. Working through this process, you can use data, research, ideation and testing to find the right direction.

It doesn't have to take forever either, sometimes we can get through it in weeks with only 2-3 sessions.

A rigorous approach will help you make a bold choice around apps and other mobile technologies.

In fact, it might help you decide you don't need an app, or that your apps should actually just be mobile-friendly websites. Developing apps is a perilous game, and sometimes they're the wrong choice for your business. Read When the CEO says "We need an app" to get a flavour of that!

Rather than working together, people in the business end up forming their own ideas, and then need to get buy-in. As more people add their ideas, you end up with an "everything but the kitchen sink" app.

Apps are expensive enough without bloating them with uneccessary features.

Evaluating and existing app idea

If someone is suggesting an app idea to you and you want ot evaluate it, this sheet also includes a process you can go through. It helps you test the robustness of the idea and how well aligned it is to current business goals.

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