By Tobin Harris
Managing Director, Pocketworks
January 15, 2020
Updated November 7, 2023
By Tobin Harris
Managing Director, Pocketworks
January 15, 2020
Updated November 7, 2023
This article is a high-level template for business leaders wanting to benefit from mobile apps and technology to satisfy customers or transform how they work. In other words, people who are looking to implement some degree of digital transformation and you need a mobile strategy to support it.
This blueprint will help you identify the beginnings of a mobile strategy. It’s going to be rough and ready, but if you don’t have one then it will be immediately valuable and help you ask the right questions.
To get cracking, simply work through the questions below within 20 minutes or so. Grab a group to do this with – your CEO, sales director, operational director, or other department heads. Anyone who might have ideas around where technology could support you in your mission.
If you get stuck, the important thing is to just keep going to the end, and then plan to come back to it a week later. As you go, set action points to resolve any unknowns or questions that come up during the session. You can do those and bring resolved questions and unknowns to the next session.
The diagram above shows the key things you need to do:
** Sometimes people want to learn how mobile apps can help their businesses. They are interested in exploring them but don't have an opportunity or problem to run at. So, they're really looking for inspiration. If this is the case, a good next step is to do some discovery and feed that into your strategy. For example, run a competitor analysis or survey customer attitudes and behaviours. A good mobile user-experience design agency should be able to help uncover some opportunities.
You can download a mobile strategy process diagram that gives you more details of this process
Perfect for CTOs starting a new roadmap. Get an overview of the strategic process that helps you develop your mobile strategy. This rigorous workflow helps you make better choices when developing your app.
The process outlined above can be shown in a slightly different way, which you may find helpful. The following diagram shows how it all ties together.
Here is an explanation of the diagram above.
We're building a set of examples you can refer to, along with materials to help you successfully build your own strategy. See the Fender example here.
The Strategy Choice Cascade is a great tool for capturing all the information outlined in this article.
You can download it here.
Apps and digital initiatives are simply tools to help you achieve your aspirations.
As you work on your mobile strategy, you'll need to ensure it pushes toward your business objectives. I'd suggest focusing on your 1-3 year goals for now.
Here are some examples of business or divisional aspirations:
Can you identify the main aspiration of your department or company?
You understand what your organisation wants to achieve, but can you state the problem or opportunity you want to focus on?
Explore different ways to frame the problem:
Once framed, come up with ideas to tackle the problem you're trying to solve
This is a great starting point for a mobile strategy or digital strategy because you have ideas that can be supported by technology.
Now that you have some rough-cut ideas, let’s tighten them up a bit by creating some strategy headlines. This just means fleshing them out a touch and thinking more about the benefits. Again, you need to be disciplined to avoid trying to solve everything (there are always dozens of ways to use tech to solve a problem). Focus on the problems you want to solve.
For example:
So, if you make a list, these are pretty good strategy headlines to prioritise.
With some good ideas on the table, it's useful to list out the things that would have to be true if that idea was implemented. For example, if you are a restaurant with the idea of developing a mobile app to enable customers to order home deliveries, some conditions might be:
Some of those conditions might concern you, some might not. The trick is to identity the ones that do concern you and flag them up as barriers to test.
Finding the best idea may require some testing. Testing can take many forms, from back-of-the-napkin financial forecasts and paper prototypes to fully fledged MVP products.
Taking the restaurant example above, which of those conditions worries you? Let's say you pick this one:
How might you test this? Here are some ideas. A single £ means inexpensive, and more ££ means more expensive to test.
If you're tests went well and the strategic opportunity is viable, you can commit to this opportunity and set out a roadmap to implementation. There may be many parts to your app, and some will have a bigger impact than others. We're big fans of the Now, Next and Future format for roadmaps to avoid trying to get to hung up on delivery dates. If it's important it's worth getting right.
You are likely to have more than one app idea that will progress your business toward it's goal. An obvious way of prioritising what you do is to simply look at the ROI case. Then list them out in order with a rough timeline. You can normally make good progress on any strategic initiative in 3-6 months, so chop your initiatives up into 3-6 month blocks.
For example:
Sometimes you lean on your gut rather than hard data for ROI. This is fine, and don’t worry if you don’t have all the details. This is about setting your best guess in a strong direction. Your shining star for the future.
If this strategy is aligned with your goals, and you have some confidence in the direction you’re heading, you won’t have to change it much. Instead, you’ll later focus your energies on how to do each phase right.
You have your goals, and strategy headlines of how you might use technology to support those goals, and you’ve turned it into some kind of prioritised roadmap.
Next, you’ll need to define the strategies and products that will realise this strategy. We’ll cover that in a future article. If you want a more detailed version, here’s the process we go through with clients that you can use for free.
You won’t need budgets to set your strategy. Once you’ve set your digital direction and prioritise, you then can think about what you can invest in each of those, perhaps using the ROI case to guide the investment.
There are many ways to crack a nut, so it’s very likely you can find a way to progress your strategy with small or huge budgets. For example, you might be able to increase mobile sales without building an app. Your mileage will vary depending on your budget, but any good advisor should help you find quick wins at the start of your project.
A UK app developer such as Pocketworks could help you figure out the rough costs.
If you do this, it will start getting you asking the right questions and thinking about technology as something that supports your mission and goals. It might surprise you, but many companies don’t do this. So if you’ve got through it you’ve already given more consideration to your strategic adoption of technology than most.
Note: You can call on outside experts to help with this. If you don’t have an app strategy partner, we’d be happy to help. We run workshops and advisory sessions to help businesses create a strategy for their business. Feel free to get in touch if you want some help. Good luck!
In case you're wondering, Pocketworks is a software consultancy that specialises in mobile apps.
We bring you expertise in user research, mobile technology and app growth tactics to help you develop apps that create positive impact for your customers, shareholders and society.
To get a flavour of us, check out our free guides and app development services. Or, see some more background info on us.
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