Articles about planning mobile apps.
UX is complex because people are complex. Real users interact unpredictably with digital tools. The challenge is not just understanding what users do, but why they do it. Despite its sophistication, AI struggles with this critical aspect.
If you’re struggling with where to start with paid acquisition, or even wondering if paid acquisition is a channel that is worth investing in. This guide is for you.
An interesting study by Gartner reveals what successful tech companies do BEFORE building their digital products. If you're not doing these things, it could be slowing your growth.
Business leaders often see the discovery phase as a waste of time. They already know what will work for their customers, so what's the point of doing discovery? Or, are they shooting themselves in the foot?
It typically takes three to twelve months to develop a small or medium-sized app. A larger one can take 12-24 months. Read on to find out how to influence your app development timeline.
Studies show that app customers are more loyal. They spend 37% more than non-app customers with the same retailer, buy 33% more frequently, and buy 34% more items.