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Matej Képeš

Mobile & Web Developer

Hi, I’m Matej, but everyone calls me Matt as they can’t pronounce my name! I have been a Pocketeer since 2016 and have touched on pretty much every project we have worked on since then. I am passionate about contributing to the business, helping others and growing our core strengths in the technologies and processes we use.

What I really love is building useful stuff on both web and mobile, and I believe we do just that for the clients we work with and our own products and are integral in their successes. I originally moved to the UK when I joined Pocketworks, but have since returned to Bratislava, Slovakia where I work, along with regular staycations across Europe that combine sightseeing and working from new locations.

If I am not writing code you will find me learning more about our technologies along with kayaking, beach volleyball and more recently I have found a passion for sailing.

Matej | Pocketworks